If you experience muscle, bone or joint related pain, or any other symptom you feel may be of a Musculoskeletal (MSK) nature, you can access initial help and advice by visiting NHS Inform.
Referral process
If you would like to access our service, you can be referred by your General Practitioner (GP), Physiotherapy first contact practitioner, consultant or other healthcare professionals.
You will then receive a letter or telephone call from our department inviting you to book your first appointment at a time that is convenient for you.
Where you can attend adult MSK physiotherapy
You can access the NHS Fife Health & Social Care Adult MSK Physiotherapy Service at a number of locations across Fife. NHS Fife Physiotherapy is a Fife wide service and we will strive to offer you an appointment at a site nearest to your home. Below is list of sites where the Adult MSK Physiotherapy service provide appointments.
SMS text message service
You will also be offered an SMS text message to remind you of your appointment nearer the time.