Children and young people’s physiotherapists will listen to what matters to you and your family. We will discuss any concerns you have and whether physiotherapy is something that might be able to help. Together we can make a plan for maximising health and wellbeing, perhaps in collaboration with other professionals.
Are you a parent, carer or a professional in Fife who has concerns about a child's movement, mobility, development, or if they have had an injury or are experiencing pain?
If so, call the Children's Services phone line to speak to one of our physiotherapists
01592 226699
Tuesdays 10am-12pm
and Wednesdays 2pm-4pm
We accept self referrals. Alternatively, if you have a concern about your child please visit your GP or discuss with your health visitor and they can complete a referral if appropriate.
Who we see
Our Children and Young People’s physiotherapists use a range of approaches that are tailored to individual needs, to maximise potential and wellbeing. Some examples of reasons for referral to physiotherapy are listed below:
- Musculoskeletal conditions (such as anterior knee pain, ankle instability and lower back pain)
- Rheumatological conditions (such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis)
- Respiratory conditions (such as cystic fibrosis)
- Neurological conditions (such as cerebral palsy)
- Congenital conditions (such as spina bifida)
- Walking problems
- Developmental problems (such as delay in walking)
We will aim to provide support in the most appropriate setting, for example in out-patient clinics, hospitals, homes, schools, nurseries or leisure centres. Please check your appointment letter for confirmation of which location the appointment will take place.
What to expect
When we receive your referral, it will be triaged by a physiotherapist. Following triage, we may call you for further information or to discuss the referral, or we may send out a letter asking you to call in to make an appointment. Sometimes a letter may be sent out with information leaflets, and an option for an appointment. If you are provided with an appointment and are unable to attend, please call to cancel in advance.
Please bring a pair of shorts if you are coming to physiotherapy for your ankle, hip, knee or a gait problem. If you are coming to physiotherapy for your upper limbs, please bring a vest top with you.
General enquiries
Fife-specific information
Fife Council
Crisis Grant
Free School/Nursery Meals
School Clothing Grant
Food Banks
Benefits and Money Advice
Getting it Right for Every Child
Scottish Government: Getting it Right for Every Child
Getting it Right in Fife
Early Years Scotland
Further support
Scope - a UK disability organisation whose focus is on people with cerebral palsy
Muscular Dystrophy UK - a UK based charity focussing on all muscle diseases
Children's Chronic Arthritis Association
Contact - for families with disabled children
Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde - Kids Independently Developing Skills (KIDS)