Your child will receive physiotherapy by a NHS Fife Physiotherapist. It may also be necessary for them to receive physiotherapy in the child development centre, nursery, school or home for their initial physiotherapy assessment and follow up treatment. Your consent is required to allow this to go ahead.


I understand:

Assessment/Therapy may take place in the physiotherapy department, classroom or other appropriate room.

My child may be seen by their therapist or other designated therapy assistant.

My child may be seen by a student, supervised by their therapist

My child may need to wear appropriate clothing, i.e. gym kit.

My child may be asked to remove their splints, socks and shoes if required.

I have the right to withhold consent and change my mind at any time and this will be done in writing.


It is necessary to collect and store written information regarding your child’s physiotherapy assessment and treatment in accordance with NHS Fife data protection policy and procedure.

It may also be necessary to share this information with other relevant professionals within Health, Education, Social Work and other Care and Service providers. Any storage, and sharing of information with other relevant professionals or organisations will be done safely and securely in compliance with the Data Protection Act and NHS Fife Policies and Procedures

When you give consent to physiotherapy treatment, you will also be agreeing to the storing and sharing of the following information:-

Information from your child’s initial physiotherapy assessment.

Previous relevant test results and past medical history.

Details of your child’s physiotherapy goals and aims of intervention.

Details of your child’s physiotherapy treatment plan.

Recommendations made by your child’s physiotherapist.

Photographs or video which illustrate your child’s condition or an aspect of treatment which form part of their medical record.

These will only be made once you have given written consent at the agreed level, and will not used for any other purpose than what you consent to without further written consent from you.

Copies of the photographs/videos can be requested under the Data Protection Act.

NB Your consent is not required for the sharing of information in the case of Public Health and Child Protection Issues.

Sharing information with relevant professionals provides a multidisciplinary and multi-agency approach to your child’s care. Child Centred Care is our Aim.

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A safe and secure workplace

Staff have the right to expect a safe and secure workplace, and NHS organisations have a legal and ethical duty to do their utmost to prevent staff from being assaulted or abused in the course of their work.