We provide a wide range of services for adults with learning disabilities and for children with learning disabilities and/or autism and their families and carers. We accept referrals from a range of sources, including self-referrals. Our work is across inpatient wards as well as community multi-disciplinary teams with health, education and social care colleagues.
We offer specialist assessment and evidence-based interventions for a range of clinical problems including:
- assessment of child development and trauma
- cognitive functioning and neuropsychological assessments
- assessment of neuro-developmental disorders including autism
- dementia assessments
- risk assessment
- challenging behaviour and emotional problems
- skills deficits and capacity
- anxiety
- depression
- interpersonal relationship problems
- criminal behaviour
Responsibilities include:
- direct clinical work with the patient
- formulation and differential diagnosis/ understanding of presenting problems
- advice to parents, carers, and other professionals
- provision of training on psychological issues and their management
- advice on service provision and development, particularly with third sector agencies
- research and evaluation to contribute to evidence-based science
We also provide teaching and placement experiences for trainee clinical psychologists on the Edinburgh University Doctorate in Clinical Psychology Course.