Monotherapy - U&E, Cr/eGFR, FBC, CRP and LFTs inc albumin at 3 & 6 months after initiation then 6 monthly
In combination with DMARD - monitor as per DMARD
Monotherapy - U&E, Cr/eGFR, FBC, CRP and LFTs inc albumin at 3 & 6 months after initiation then 6 monthly
In combination with DMARD - monitor as per DMARD
Uric acid: 8 weekly and therapy adjusted by GP until uric acid is <300 umol/1 then annually
FBC, renal and liver function ever 3 months for the first year only
Monotherapy - U&E, Cr/eGFR, FBC, CRP and LFTs inc albumin checked at Rheumatology appointment
In combination with DMARD - monitor as per DMARD
FBC weekly for 6 weeks and at 2 and 4 weeks after any dose increases, then monthly if Azathioprine dose remains stable
CRP monthly
LFTs monthly until Azathioprine dose stable then 6 monthly
Monotherapy - U&E, Cr/eGFR, FBC, CRP and LFTs inc albumin at 3 & 6 months after initiation then 6 monthly
In combination with DMARD - monitor as per DMARD
Lipid profile after 12 weeks then as indicated
Uric acid: 8 weekly and therapy adjusted by GP until uric acid is <300 umol/1 then annually
LFTs monthly for 1st 6 months then every 6 months
Monotherapy - U&E, Cr/eGFR, FBC, CRP and LFTs inc albumin at 3 & 6 months after initiation then 6 monthly
In combination with DMARD - monitor as per DMARD
Uric acid: 4 weekly and therapy adjusted by GP until uric acid is <300 umol/1 then annually
FBC, renal and liver function ever 3 months for the first year only
Monotherapy - U&E, Cr/eGFR, FBC, CRP and LFTs inc albumin at 3 & 6 months after initiation then 6 monthly
In combination with DMARD - monitor as per DMARD
Monotherapy - U&E, Cr/eGFR, FBC, CRP and LFTs inc albumin at 3 & 6 months after initiation then 6 monthly
In combination with DMARD - monitor as per DMARD
FBC, CRP, LFTs monthly for the first 6 months then 2 monthly
BP monthly for 6 months then 2 monthly
FBC and LFT's 2 weekly for 6 weeks or until dose is stable then monthly for 1st year. 3 monthly thereafter
CRP monthly for first year then 3 monthly
Methotrexate and Leflunomide
FBC and LFT's 2 weekly for 6 weeks or until dose is stable then monthly for 1st year. 2 monthly thereafter
CRP monthly for first year then 2 monthly
BP monthly for first year then 2 monthly
Methotrexate and Sulfasalazine
FBC and LFT's 2 weekly for 6 weeks or until dose is stable then monthly for 1st year. 3 monthly thereafter
CRP monthly for first year then 3 monthly
Mycophenolate mofetil
FBC U&E LFT every week for 4 weeks then twice a month for 2 months then every month in the first year. 3 monthly thereafter
CRP monthly for 1st year then 3 monthly
FBC, CRP and Urinalysis at time of each injection. Allowable for FBC and CRP to be one week in arrears
Monotherapy - U&E, Cr/eGFR, FBC, CRP and LFTs inc albumin at 3 & 6 months after initiation then 6 monthly In combination with DMARD - monitor as per DMARD
FBC, CRP and LFTs 2 weekly for 6 weeks, monthly for 3 months then 3 monthly for 2 years. After that, patient to request FBC, CRP and LFTs prior to clinic appointments only.
Renal function and BP ever 2 weeks for 3 months, then monthly
FBC, CRP and LFTs monthly for 3 months then 3 monthly
Lipids and Glucose: 6 monthly
Tacrolimus levels 6 monthly or if abnormal renal function or adverse effects
FBC, CRP and LFTs every 4 weeks for 6 months then 3 monthly
Lipid profile after 4-8 weeks then as indicated