Cameron Hospital
Cameron Hospital,
Cameron Road,
01592 226784
Speech and Language Therapy
08:30 - 17:00, Monday to Friday
To find help quickly:
Adults with acquired difficulties
To make a request / submit a referral for an adult with acquired difficulties, you can email us on fife.sltreferral@nhs.scot
Adults with a learning disability
To make a request for adults with learning disability please complete the SPOA ALD Referral Form.
Children and young people
For immediate advice and support for children and young people, you can phone our advice line on Tuesdays between 10am - 12pm and Wednesdays between 2pm - 4pm - 01592 226699 (for parents and carers of children and young people in Fife)
Education staff
The enquiry line for Education staff is open from 14:00 – 16:00 on Mondays and Thursdays in term-time: Advice line: 01383 674055.
At Fife Speech and Language Therapy we aim to support people, and those close to them, to:
- Learn new skills
- Cope better
- Feel more in control
- Build confidence to live life as well as they can
Speech and language therapists (SLTs) work across a range of settings including schools, hospitals, clinics and homes. We also work closely with a variety of people such as parents/carers, teachers, health visitors, doctors, dietitians and other health professionals to access the right support at the right time.
Our service is person-centred. We will focus on getting to know you -your best hopes, what matters to you and what is already working.
Fife SLT Service provides a tiered service model.
- Universal messages - designed to improve communication opportunities for all
- Targeted support - for people with recognised conditions or situations which affect their ability to communicate successfully
- Individual support - for children and adults to help them achieve their communication and eating and drinking potential.
After an initial conversation, you may realise you are managing well already. We might suggest other kinds of support available in the community or that some some individual therapy will help you to make meaningful changes.
We’ll describe what therapy might look like, and how it can help. You can then decide if this supports what you are hoping to achieve.
Fife Augmentative and Alternative Communication Team
The Fife AAC Team (FaacT) is a multi-agency team, staffed by a speech and language therapist, teacher and technician, who work in partnership with parents, carers and professionals involved with an individual requiring AAC support.
The team provide assessment and recommendation of appropriate communication systems. Support can be carried out at various locations including home, school, community settings and hospital. The team can also provide advice and training in a wide range of augmentative and alternative communication systems.
Anyone can make a request for assistance to our service. If you, or someone you know, would like to request assistance from our service, forms are available from your Speech and Language Therapist.
Children and Young People
Parents and carers
Parents and carers can phone our Advice line on Tuesdays between 10am - 12pm and Wednesdays between 2pm - 4pm to speak to a therapist for reassurance or advice.
Parents and carers advice line: 01592 226699
Professionals can phone our enquiry line on Tuesdays between 10am - 12pm and Wednesdays between 2pm - 4pm to speak to a speech and language therapist.
Professionals enquiry line: 01592 226699
To make a request for assistance, please complete and return this form.
Telephone: 01592 226784
Email: fife.sltreferral@nhs.scot
Speech and Language Therapy
Cameron House,
Cameron Hospital,
Please include your / the person’s name, date of birth, any relevant medical/social information, and the reason for requesting assistance.
If you are requesting assistance on behalf of a resident at your care home, please complete our Care Home Request for Assistance Form and return it to us via email or post.
If you are experiencing difficulties with your voice, we recommend that you are seen by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor before we can accept your request. Please contact your GP to make a referral to ENT on your behalf if appropriate.
If you have recently been seen by ENT, you may have been signposted to look at our online resources. You can find them here – How to Take Care of Your Voice.
Adults with a learning disability
Requests can be made through the single point of access for adult learning disability services.
Single point of access referral form
Telephone: 01383 565230
Email: fife.ldreferrals@nhs.scot
Accessible formats
If you require this information in a community language or alternative format such as Braille, audio, large print, BSL, or Easy Read, please contact the Equality and Human Rights Team at: email: fife.EqualityandHumanRights@nhs.scot or phone 01592 729130. For people with a hearing or verbal impairment you can also contact the team through the NHS Fife SMS text service number on 07805800005.