Are you concerned about a child or young person's speech language or communication?
Every week, we run phone lines where you can call and speak to a speech and language therapist for reassurance, support or advice.
The number is: 01592 226699
The phone line is open:
Please click on the below to find out answers you may be looking for.
If you’ve called one of the phone lines, but still have concerns about a child or young person’s speech, language and communication, you can make a request for assistance.
You can do this by completing the form (MS Word)
See Initial conversation for what happens next.
After a request for assistance has been received, our first step is to have a conversation with you. We want to speak to the person who knows and understands the child and their situation best. This might be the child’s parent or carer. It could also be the child’s health visitor, early years keyworker or teacher.
The initial conversation helps us to find out more about what is happening for the child. Once we know this, we can work out the next steps for the child together. The initial conversation can take place by phone/ video call or face-to-face with a therapist in clinic. The initial conversation is just for the person who knows the child best. We don’t need to see the child at this stage. If we need to see them, we’ll arrange this later in the process.
After the initial conversation, we may be able to reassure you that the child’s communication is at the appropriate level and that they are being supported in the right ways. We might give you specific advice. We might give you information about groups and services that could also support your child.
Sometimes we need to see you and your child to decide on the next steps. We’ll make plans to meet with you and your child. Sessions may take place in clinic, at home or in an education setting. We’ll work out together what you and your child need.
We will always work together with those closest to the child to identify what support is needed. Sometimes the best way of doing this is by working with the people who spend most time with the child. Often this will be parents or carers. Sometimes this will be staff in school or nursery. We’ll give you advice and resources to use with the child.
Some children need one-to-one assessment and therapy. This could involve regular sessions with a speech and language therapist or with a support practitioner. If your child is having one-to-one sessions with a therapist, it’s really important that you practice their therapy work at home. Practising little and often helps your child to consolidate their therapy work into their everyday life.
We can sometimes offer video call appointments. The NHS uses a platform called Near Me. Your therapist will discuss this with you.