If need to contact a Healthcare Chaplain please phone main switchboard on 01592 643355 and ask for the Duty Chaplain. You can also contact the team by email at fife.spiritualcare@nhs.scot
Talking to someone who is part of the wider hospital team but not involved directly in an individual's clinical care, can help with overcoming the feelings of anxiety and fear which may be experienced when coming into hospital.
Healthcare Chaplains are part of the healthcare team. Trained in listening and responding to an individual's needs, Chaplains offer support to people of all faiths, as well as those with no particular faith.
Support is confidential and provided in a sensitive, neutral way; helping people find comfort, meaning, and strength, during difficult and worrying times.
Healthcare Chaplains work alongside patients, carers, and staff to ensure that patients remain at the centre of wellbeing and decision making, providing:
- Spiritual care
- Faith and belief
- Staff wellbeing and support
- Bereavement care
- Listening services