At times many of us experience hurt which causes us to struggle to find meaning in our lives, and to ask questions such as:
- Why is this happening?
- Why me?
- What have I done to deserve this?
- Is there a point in living?
- How can I cope with this loss?
- How do I carry on?
Through the Community Listening Service, trained listeners help individuals make sense of their feelings and find meaning in their stories as they find ways to cope with their experiences. The listeners do not have the answers – but they take seriously the questions people are asking.
Telling our stories and talking about how we feel can help us 'hear' what we are feeling and thinking and discover our way forward, offering the potential for transformation and change.
Active listening is not counselling – it allows the individual to explore their story. With the individual's permission, the 'Listener' may suggest other agencies to help when specific counselling is needed. Listeners are registered with NHS Education Scotland and are supervised by the Department of Spiritual Care.
How to volunteer with the Community Listening Service
Are you a good listener who lives in Fife? Know anyone who is? Do you want to use your listening skills by volunteering in the community? Interested in a role which offers training and ongoing supervision?
Trained listeners help individuals make sense of their feelings and find meaning in their story. People are supported with loss, bereavement, anxiety and other challenges that arise from modern humanity. That 1:1 connection has been lost in recent years; we support people to re-discover it.
Contact us for more information, all informal enquiries welcome.
Phone: 01383 674136 Email: fife.spiritualcare@nhs.scot