Infection Prevention & Control expertise is provided across NHS Fife by a team consisting of specialist infection control nurses and infection control doctors supported by clerical staff. Patient safety is a high priority for all NHS Fife staff and infection prevention & control is one part of this. Our service aims to reduce the risk of healthcare associated infection to visitors, patients and staff whether they are using our hospital services or our wider community services

The infection prevention & control team provides:

  • Advice about the prevention and management of infection to all staff (including the management of outbreaks of infection such as diarrhoea and vomiting)
  • We are also available for advice about decontamination of equipment and the environment, or about best practice in the prevention of infection associated with any area of health care.
  • Advice and information to patients and carers
  • Conducting a programme of audit (environment and practice) and surveillance
  • Education about infections and how to control and prevent them for all clinical staff
  • Policies, guidelines and protocols to ensure care is evidence based and high quality
  • Advice about building and refurbishment projects within NHS Fife
  • Liaising with staff involved in purchasing and planning to ensure infection control issues are given a high priority in their activities.

The NHS Fife Infection Prevention & Control Service can be contacted by the telephone at the numbers below.

Infection Control Team Contacts  

Generic contact number 01592 643355 x27912 

Infection Control Manager - Julia Cook (x21441) 

Infection Control Lead Nurse - Amy Mbuli (x22509) 

Senior Infection Control Nurse- Elizabeth Dunstan (x28561) 

Senior Infection Control Nurse- Care Homes- Suzanne Watson (x27958/x46513/x46530) 

Senior Infection Control Nurse – HAI-SCRIBE and the Built Environment- Mirka Barclay (x28842) 

Infection Control Nurses (ASD and HSCP)- 

Nykoma Hamilton (x21775) 

Ashley Norcross (x22134) 

Elaine Tate (x22135) 

Nick Brough (x22024) 

Infection Control Nurses (Care Homes)-(x46513/x46530) 

Sharon Bernard 

Jodie Gear 

Janice Barnes 

Pauline Young 

Infection Control Surveillance Audit Midwife- Lynsey Delaney (x29909) 

PA to Julia Cook - Sharon McDonald (x28104) 

Microbiology Consultants- 

Keith Morris (x27917) 

Priya Venkatesh (x28494) 

David Griffith (x28489) 

Stephen Wilson (x28094) 

Nicholas Feasey (x28492)