Grand Round Series
Grand Rounds are a weekly activity open to all disciplines and specialties of NHS Fife healthcare workers – doctors, nurses, AHPs, pharmacists, laboratory staff, etc interested in shared learning.
Frequency: Wednesdays 1 to 2 pm Course Director: Dr Martin Clark, ADME & Consultant Anaesthetist Contact via Education Centre Manager Email fife.medicaleducation@nhs.scot
Venue: MS Teams with limited capacity in VHK Education Centre Lecture Theatre, Level 2 (Towerblock), Phase 2, Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy
Attendance: Registration is taken on the TUBS
iPads: Remote attendees please confirm attendance via email to fife.medicaleducation@nhs.scot
Feedback and certificates are also active on TUBS.
Grand Round Sessions
Masterclass: A series of sessions on how to manage clinically relevant problems by experts in their field.
SIGN Sessions: a series of the latest Scottish Inter-colligate Guideline Network policy and how it affects care.
Foundation Choice: a series of talks requested by FYs that are outside the Foundation Curriculum.
GMC: Recognition of Trainers: a series of talks in improving the delivery of learning to doctors and medical students
Annual Sessions: a series of annual events raising health awareness e.g. Worlds AIDs Day; Organ Donation Week Professional Development: annual session for the senior doctor COVID Update: a series of updates from the Medical Director and management teams in NHS Fife.