How does the service work?
This is a common question those new to the service may ask. Here's how we explain it: Shout is a free, confidential and 24/7 text support service for anyone in the UK who is struggling to cope.
We have partnered with Shout to offer support to young people who live in Fife. To start a conversation, text "FIFE" to 85258. Trained Shout Volunteers are here to listen any time of day or night and messages won't appear on your phone bill.
If your life is at risk, call the emergency services on 999.
What happens when you text "FIFE" to 85258?
To start a conversation, text the word "FIFE" to 85258.
If you're feeling anxious, lonely, overwhelmed, suicidal or not quite yourself, Shout's volunteers are here for you 24/7.
After sending the first message, you'll receive some automated text messages before being connected to one of Shout's empathic volunteers.
By text message, the volunteer will introduce themselves and ask you to share a bit more about what's bothering you. This might include feeling anxious, overwhelmed, having relationship problems, addiction, bullying, self harm and suicide.
You will text back and forth and share what you feel comfortable with.
Conversations usually last around 45 minutes, and the goal of the conversation is to help you reach a calm and safe place with a plan of how to support yourself going forwards. The volunteer may provide you with further resources or tools to help you get more expert support.
As the conversation comes to a close we encourage you to reflect on the thoughts, feelings and experiences you've explored, how you want things to be and how you may be able to get there. You'll be safe in the knowledge that if you're in distress again and struggling to cope that Shout are there 24/7.
What mobile networks can you text Shout from?
It is free to text Shout from all major UK networks: EE, O2, Three and Vodafone. These include BT Mobile, Tesco Mobile, Virgin Mobile, iD Mobile, Sky, Telecom Plus, Lebara and GiffGaff.
Some Android phones, including the Samsung Galaxy, may issue a warning that you will be charged for sending a message to Shout. Provided you are on one of the networks listed above, this warning is incorrect and you will not be charged.
If you send a message from a network that is not listed here, there is a possibility that you may be charged and that this may appear on your bill. If your mobile network is not listed here, please check with your operator directly.
It is not possible to text the service from networks without the capability to send and receive short codes. These include Lyca mobile. If your message will not send, or if you do not receive an automated message in response, this indicates that Shout has not received your message.
If you are contacting Shout from a network listed above and the service does not appear to be working, you can contact with your mobile phone number and network provider. We need this information to be able to investigate the problem.
To find out more about the SHOUT text messaging service, visit their website
We're proud to partner with SHOUT to offer free and confidential mental health support to anyone in distress. To use the service, simply text “FIFE” to 85258.
Resources and support
If you recognise you need further support, help is available:
- The Keeping Connected leaflet provides a directory of services available throughout Fife who offer help and support on a range of issues. We also have a Keeping Connected: Bereavement and Loss leaflet which contains useful websites and services which can support through bereavement.
- Sam’s Cafe - peer support for people aged 16+ no longer in school education with mental wellbeing, crisis, emotions, life events and suicidal thoughts. Venues in Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline and Leven. See website for days and times. No referral or appointment needed.
- DBI is for anyone living in Scotland aged 16+ who is in distress. By contacting NHS 24 on 111, individuals will be triaged via the mental health hub and offered support in the immediate 24 hours following the phone call and further support for the following 14 days.
- Breathing Space: is a website and phone service for anyone experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. Telephone: 0800 83 85 87.
- Samaritans: operates a 24-hour service available every day of the year. Telephone: 116 123 to speak to someone. A self-help app is also available to download from their website.
- SHOUT text messaging service is a free 24/7 support service for anyone struggling to cope.
Links to further support
If you or someone you know is experiencing distress, crisis or thoughts of suicide:
- NHS Inform Suicide Information offering support to someone you’re worried is suicidal
- Samaritans website offers help and advice if you are concerned for someone
- Surviving suicidal thoughts website provides support for people who are living with suicidal thoughts, their families, friends, and communities.
- CALM provides support for anyone who needs it. Telephone 0800 58 58 58
If you are concerned for an individual’s immediate safety, do not leave the individual alone and call 999 immediately.
If you or someone you know needs help with their emotional and mental health:
- Access Therapies Fife provides information to help you to deal with mental health problems and to access a range of local services
- Moodcafe Fife information and resources to help you understand and improve your mental health ·
- Struggling with stress? | NHS inform provides information and practical advice on how to recognise symptoms related to stress and steps you can take to manage stress more effectively
- Mind to Mind | NHS inform features real people talking about their own experiences and offers advice to support them with their challenges. Topics include dealing with anxiety and panic, handling stress, sleeping better, lifting mood, and moving through grief
- Together, let’s care for your mental health NHS Inform resources to help with mental health, whether your looking for advice, information, local support or ideas for improving your wellbeing
- Clear Your Head provides hints and tips to help you cope better with changes in your world
For young people, specific help and support is available:
- CAMHS Hands On provides help and practical advice for parents, carers and people working with children and young people to support them with their mental health and emotional wellbeing
- Mental Health And Wellbeing Info for Young People in Fife helpful ideas, websites and information to support young peoples emotional wellbeing
- Papyrus: is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people. Telephone Hopeline: 0800 068 41 41