In the first video we meet Dr. Tariro Sigauke. She joins us from Zimbabwe where she was working as a Senior House Officer when she applied to work as a Core Trainee in Psychiatry in the UK. Tariro cites the well structured training programme as well as the culturally diverse society here amongst her reasons for choosing the UK in general and NHS Fife in the South-East Scotland Deanery in particular.
In the next video Sabine speaks of being settled previously for ten years in United Arab Emirates as a nurse. Having embraced the opportunity to move to Scotland she is now working as a nurse in the stroke ward and enjoying life in Fife. She describes how she enjoys the beach, the beauty of Fife and the supportive nature of her charge nurses and other staff members.
Sito who also joins us from the UAE, is working as a Radiographer in Queen Margaret Hospital and the Victoria. Hear what Sito has to say about Fife, our schools (good), weather (less good) and opportunities (amazing)!